+31 (0)10 - 413 76 61 • info@fire-resistant.nl

Flame Fix® IMN 120

Product description

Flame Fix® IMN 120 is a safe and user friendly product for flame reducing impregnating of paper, cardboard and textile products till 70% synthetic / 30% natural fibers. After impregnating, these materials will do to ISO 6940 & 6941 and the new European (NEN) norm 1101 & 1102.

Treatment prospection

Flame Fix® IMN 120 can be applied with a spray device with a pressure between 3 and 5 bar. A flower spray with a pump system ore tricker mechanism will do fine. The product needs to be sprayed finely over the material with a average distance of about 20 centimeters from the object. After a proper treatment the material should be moist. We recommend, that after the treatment, the material should dry in a hanging position.

For a good treatment 1 ltr Flame Fix® IMN 120 should be enough for 6 till 10 m2 paper, carton ore textile (nevertheless this depends on the thickness of the material). Our advice is to take a small piece of the material as a sample, to get an impression of the wanted result.

Flame Fix® IMN 120 is a ready to use product and can’t be thinned, also this product is soluble in water. This means that whenever the treated product comes in contact with water the material needs to be treated again.


Flame Fix® IMN 120 is delivered in cans of 10 ltr or 20 ltr.


For big projects we’ll gladly make a properly offer for the treatment on location by one of our dealers. When the treatment is performed by one of our dealers you will get a signed Certificate of Treatment for examine to Fire department, Community ore Insurance companies.

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